Monthly Archives: April 2022

FRIDAY APRIL8 FRIDAY 8PM Have you ever felt tired of loving someone? Very oft…

FRIDAY APRIL8 FRIDAY 8PM Have you ever felt tired of loving someone? Very often in my counseling, I hear people say, “I loved that person too much.” Is it possible to love someone too much? Is there a program or a 'COMPUTER ‘APPS’ that can measure if you have loved too much? Who sets that

“Like the tiny spark of fire that consumes a forest, the spark of love is all yo…

"Like the tiny spark of fire that consumes a forest, the spark of love is all you need to experience love in its full power and glory, in all its aspects, earthly and divine." Friday is coming again and we are so excited to have a meanigful conversation with you. Join us on 04|08|22 at

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